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Comments From Exhibitors

 Guest book below at the bottom of the page.






Kim Perkiss

Message 2012: Guys, I would like to thankyou for the most wonderful weekend.  A well run show, Lovely prizes and very pleasant gundog steward all weekend.  The only disappointing thing was the weather that was out of your control.  I was totally amazed and grateful for my prizes for winning a rubig and puppy in show!!  Will deffinatley be back next year!  Kim - Perky Pooches





Mr Laurie Edwards,


Yass Dog Club.


Mr Edwards,


My wife Debbie and myself would just like to pass on what a professional show last weekend was at Yass. Whilst we have routinely attended many shows in the Canberra District, Riverina and Sydney over the years we would have to say the Yass Show was clearly one of the best. The coordination of the events, ground presentation and Eukanuba products was particularly appreciated. Our Dachshunds love the biscuits and we'll certainly be buying some more. From my understanding sponsorship like that provided by Eukanuba is crucial to the success of these events and they should be congratulated for their support,




Craig and Debbie Sheehan

Belpais Kennels


Hi Laurie
Just a note to say how much I enjoyed the shows last week end.  They were well run & had plenty of entertainment included with the shows themselves.  Needless to say I joined up as a new member.  Look forward to next year.  Keep up the good work.
Marion Burton
Lewmah Cavalier King Charles Spaniels


Hi Mel and Laurie


Would you please be so kind as to pass on my thanks to the committee for an outstanding weekend of shows – my friends and I were so impressed that we joined the club!!!


Despite the rather chilly conditions, the shows ran like clockwork, the grounds looked and absolute treat (we were wondering who did the ring design, as it was so easy to navigate around and there was plenty of room for everyone!) and the added tid bits such as the BOB prizes, the lucky exhibitor draws and the fabulous sponsorship that you received from both local firms and from Eukanuba was a real credit to you!    I haven’t seen sponsorship such as you achieved from Eukanuba since I judged in Sth Africa about 6 years ago, and one of the shows there received similar outstanding support from Eukanuba!


So well done on a tremendous job, it is a credit to the committee and the sponsors.  Certainly the proof was in the pudding with the outstanding entry (I haven’t seen a toy entry like that at an all breeds show in the region for years and years!)


Looking forward to next year!! 



email: [email protected]




We have a great time at your show, very well organised, plenty of room and loads of sponsorship – Well Done and Thanks


Lynette Murphy

Campus Librarian

TAFE NSW – Illawarra Institute, Cooma Campus, P.O. Box 777 Cooma NSW 2630

P 02 6452 0744 |VOIP 30744 | F 02 6452 0774 | E [email protected] |




I would just like to say thank you for the shows you ran on the weekend.   I could only enter and attend yesterday but it was a great day.
Please pass my thanks onto the committee for all their hard work.

Kindest regards,

Seanmya Kennels
Bedlington Terriers and Dalmatians
Trevor & Michele Bennett and Sean Bull
0458 294 477
[email protected]



Hi Laurie & Mel

Thanks for a great weekend.  It was good to see you both again.    Great show you guys put on, thanks, you should be complimented.


Cheers and see you around



Hi Guys
Great show today we had a great day all the work you both have done and all the helpers i wish more shows were like this
You have a great job

Dot & Rob Bourke






Please sign below to let the YDK & TC know you visited.


  Name : Linda Mitchell
Web Site :
Country : Townsville Australia
How you found us : Past Vice President of the Club.
Comments : Hi Guys, back again. Just had another look at you web page. You are doing a wonderful job with the club, love the web site and all the animations. What wonderful sponsorship you have managed to secure. The club is going from strength to strength and this year managing a complete panel of overseas judges, wow. Great for small rural town shows. I know the club is in safe hands. Hope you get fabulous entries again this year. Well done all of you. Hugs Linda.
Date : 5-Mar-17

  Name : Julia Fordogtrainers
Web Site :
Country : UK
How you found us : Google
Comments : Hello! Thank you for your great work and useful information on your site! We like photos of your dogs! Our company produces high-quality professional dog equipment. We have special discounts for kennels, dog schools and trainers! We would be glad to offer you a partnership and will wait for your reply. Best regards!
Date : 3-Aug-15

  Name : Linda Mitchell
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : One of the original founders of the Club.
Comments : Hi Laurie and Mel, Just visited your site. You have done a wonderful job with the Club. It is going from strength to strength. All congratulations to you both for all the hard work and dedication. My old club has been left in safe hands. Would like to donate $25.00 per day for your Best of Breed Lhasa Apso if that is OK. Hugs always Linda Mitchell (Shira Lhasa Apsos)
Date : 4-Mar-13

  Name : Linda Mitchell
Web Site :
Country : Townsville Australia
How you found us : Am one of the founding Members but moved from Yass
Comments : Love the website. Love all the photos. Great to see the club going from strength to strength. Was hard work getting everything up and running but so pleased to see everything is in safe hands. Well done Laurie and Mel and all the committee especially the old guard. Hugs to everyone Linda
Date : 27-Jun-12

  Name : Di and Neil
Web Site :
Country : Oz
How you found us : Dog world...
Comments : Great work on the site guy's. Keep up the good work. Can't wait till next year.
Date : 4-Oct-11

  Name : Kimmi
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : You Sent Me!
Comments : Mr Pink Bullmastiff looks just gorgeous, and does Bungendore proud. Lets see what he comes up with next year.
Date : 23-Sep-11

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Contact Details

Laurie Edwards
Yass, NSW, Australia
Phone : 0400 257 258
Email : [email protected]