& http://oz.dogs.net.au/yasskennelclub/uploads/documents/April-Gazette-2018---Show-Notice.pdf

Extreme Weather Ph Show Secretary Melanie 0457 041 758 or [email protected]
Cheques made payable to:Yass District Kennel & Training Club Inc
Dogs NSW Junior Handlers to be held at the Sunday Show during lunch break. Accredited Judges to be advised on the day.
Order of Judging S/stakes followed by Breed Groups
Dogs NSW Representative Mrs L Warren-Powell
Entry Fees $13.00 Ordinary Classes, $8.00 S/stakes,
Catalogues $4.00, $5.00 on the day

Refreshments Available on grounds & Mobile Espresso Cafe.
Yass Local Business Sponsors - Prizes
Yass District Kennel & Training Club Committee Group & Breed Sponsors
Vendors on Grounds See website http://www.yasskennelclub.com/vendors--sponsors.asp
Dog & Handler Saturday during lunch break. $100.00 1st Prize, $50.00 2nd Prize & $25.00 3rd Prize.
See website http://www.yasskennelclub.com/link-page.asp for recommended accommodation and show information, BOB awards, ring layout, camping, drop off & parking areas, vendors & sponsors.
Karaoke Saturday night Murrumbateman Pub, meals available at Pub directly across from the grounds.
PRIZES - Category A -
PRIZES - Category A
Total cash prize money, Eukanuba Products, Sponsor Products, Trophies, Rosettes & Sashes totalling over $20,000
General Specials $250.00 & Trophies Best in Show, $100.00 & Trophies Runner Up Best in Show, Trophy Best Baby Puppy in Show, $30.00 & Rosettes All other Class in Show
Best in Show sponsored by JTY & Yass Vets & YDK&TC, Runner Up Best in Show sponsored by Concrete Sleepers Canberra, Best Puppy in Show sponsored by JTY & YDK&TC.
Group Specials $50.00 Best in Group, $25.00 Runner Up Best in Group, $15.00 Class in Group + Sashes
Best in Group sponsored by Luton Real Estate & Runner up Best in Group sponsored by Maslen’s Bookkeeping.
Special Classes Trophy & Sash see Breed Awards and Perptual Trophy pages
Group Specials Best in Group $50.00 & Sash, RUBIG $25.00 & Sash, Class in Group $15.00 & Sashes each day.
Special Classes S/stakes Sash & Trophy, Junior Handlers Sash & Trophy sponsored by McDonalds Yass.
It is requested that exhibitors do not attempt to set up until rings and walkways have been finalised and Rings properly identified.
It is expected this will not occur before 4.00 pm on Thursday, but delays may occur, and if such is the case, the Club would appreciate your understanding and we apologise in advance for any inconvenience

Dog & Handler Saturday during lunch.
$50.00 Second Prize
$25.00 Third Prize
Sponsors of Fancy Dress Dog & Handler
Dog & Handler Saturday during lunch.
If you think you have what it takes to remove the title off last years winner.
Come along and take the title
Judges Comments
Dear Laurie,
Just a note to thank you and your wonderful committee, most sincerely, for a very enjoyable weekend spent judging for your club. Your warm welcome, your constant hospitality, the efficiency of the committee and the lovely dogs made it a most enjoyable weekend – even in spite of the weather! I really enjoyed my judging and found quite a number of quality dogs which made the experience even more pleasurable.
Please pass on my thanks, also, to the cooks, stewards and others who made it all possible – you have a great club there and run a show to be proud of. I do wish the club continued success and look forward to catching up with all of you again in the future.
Kind regards
Eddy Ryder here thanking your club for the weekend of showing I could not have been looked after better by your club members or stewards. I know what the club went thru with the rain etc. as a club I belong to experienced the same type of whether on the previous Monday
Regards Eddy
Dear Mel & Laurie,
Firstly I would like to thank you both for inviting me to judge the Yass Dog club shows last weekend. It was very well run by your stewards and committee and your communication has been the best I have experienced.
Once again, thank you for a great weekend.
Best regards
Kerin Hutchings
Hi Laurie,
Will you extent to your Committee and members my thanks for a memorable judging appointment.
You mentioned that your Show is, if not the biggest one of the bigger outside of Sydney and I can
understand why. Great grounds with large rings, one thing that judges and exbibitors look for. The
Catering for the judges meals was outstanding great soups, main meal and sweets with lovely home
baked cakes and biscuits for tea breaks.
The numbers of sponsers were outstanding which shows what a great Club you have.
It was my priviledge to be the first General Special Judge and it was a pleasure to hand out so
many goodies to the winners, once again a job well done.
All the best for a bigger and better show [if possible] for 2012.
Cheers ... BARB BALAAM
Dear Mel and Laurie,
I wanted to congratulate you both and the Yass Kennel Club Committee and helpers on a really enjoyable show last weekend.
It was apparent so much care had been taken to ensure the whole event ran so smoothly.
The location and grounds were ideal and I thought the Eukanuba sponsorship and Fancy Dress event also added interest to the program
and provided an extra attraction for exhibitors and spectators alike.
Thanks also for the hospitality extended to the judges which was appreciated by all of us on the panel.
Very best wishes for the future success of your club.
Best regards
Anne Collyer
Dear Yass DKC Committee
Thank you for everything I had a great time and really enjoyed myself, and thanks to the committee that did the catering they did a wonderful job looking after all the judges.
Hope to catch up again soon.
Lyn & Baz
Hi Mel ,
Just a note to thank you and Laurie for choosing me to judge at Yass show . A most enjoyable experience .
Not a single negative - loved the winning dogs , organisation and committee first class , accommodation and meals excellent .
Hope to see you in the future .
Very best wishes ,
June .
Hi Laurie and Mel,
Thanks to you both for an excellent weekend – I was so well looked after it was brilliant. The shows were fantastic too, from the great rings with shelter, to the vendors and the many events and prizes for exhibitors. It made me think that one year even I would make the trip and show my dogs. Well done to you both!
The catalogue arrived today – thanks!